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Mastering Your First Impression: Essential Tips for a First Job Interview

Preparing for a job interview can be overwhelming and challenging, especially if it’s the first interview in the process. You want to make a great first impression so you can secure the job – or get called back for a second meeting. However, it can be an even greater hurdle if you don’t have a lot of experience interviewing. With tips for a first job interview, you can go into the process prepared for a positive result. 

What Should I Say in My First Job Interview? 

In order for you to understand what to say during a first job interview, it’s helpful to know what the three main components of a job interview are: 


The greeting comes at the beginning of an interview. It’s when the interviewer will introduce themselves to you. You need to do the same and introduce who you are. Keep things professional. Don’t do a lot of talking during this time unless the other person opens the conversation up further. 

Interview Questions 

This part will take up the majority of the interview. The preparer will ask you a series of questions and give you time to answer them. Answer succinctly but with an appropriate amount of detail that highlights your strengths. 

When asked questions about your past work performance, use quantitative details. For example, instead of saying you boosted sales efforts, provide information about how much you increased sales. This shows that you have data to back up your statements. 

Whatever topic the interviewer asks you about, be positive and enthusiastic. No manager wants to hire someone who is negative. 


At the end of an interview, the hiring manager may ask if you have any questions. Since this is your first interview and you haven’t been officially offered the job, refrain from asking about salary or benefits. Instead, you can ask more specific questions about the job role or the company. Always be sure to thank the interviewer for their time. 

How Should I Prepare for My First Interview? 

Preparations for your first interview are crucial. Remember that you want to stand out from all the other candidates. How can you do this? Be prepared in all areas, as follows: 

Research the Company 

Take time to review the company and its history. You may be able to use this information during the interview. Taking the time to learn about the company will impress a hiring manager.  

Review Your Resume 

Look over your resume, especially your work experience. You could jot down additional notes about tasks you did or accomplishments you had at work. Be prepared to talk fluently about your work experience. 

Practice Your Answers 

If you tend to get nervous when talking or when put on the spot, it may help you to practice answering interview questions. You can use sample interview questions and practice saying your answer aloud. You can do it in front of a mirror or video it. That way, you can assess how you express yourself. For example, do you look poised and comfortable? You want to be natural, but at the same time, don’t fidget. 

How Do I Impress My First Job Interviewer? 

Most people subconsciously decide what you are like based on their first impression of you. These first impressions usually happen in the first five minutes of meeting you. So, it’s crucial to make a great first impression. These tips can make you stand out as a top candidate for the job. 

Dress for the Occasion 

Some people don’t take what they wear to an interview seriously enough. If you go into an interview looking sloppy, it sends a message that you’re really not too interested in the job. Be sure to wear professional clothing. Later, if you get the job, you can find out the exact dress code and follow it. 


People are attracted to smiles. A genuine smile can be contagious. So, when greeting the interviewer for the first time, be sure to give them a warm smile and make eye contact. 

Speak Clearly 

The person conducting the interview needs to hear exactly what you’re saying if they are going to make an informed hiring decision. Be sure to speak clearly, enunciating your words. Use a volume that is loud enough without sounding like you’re yelling. 

Radiate Positivity 

Be a positive person during the interview. People are attracted to positive, optimistic people. If you must talk about something that is generally perceived as negative, like leaving a job, you can still work to put a positive spin on it. 

Be Polite 

Politeness just means showing the other person respect and consideration. Remember to thank the person who interviewed you for the opportunity and time they spent. Also, during the interview, be courteous. Don’t interrupt or talk over the other person. 

Follow Up 

You should follow up with the hiring manager 24 hours after the interview. Send a polite thank you email. Also, restate your interest in the position. Close by providing your contact information if they have additional questions. 

Young man interviews for a job with a manager - careers at Seguros Confie

What Questions Are Asked in a First Job Interview? 

It’s always stressful going into an interview not knowing what questions will be asked and not knowing what to expect. If you have a basic idea of what questions will be asked, you can better prepare yourself. 

An interviewer may ask you any type of question about your work experience, background, and character. However, some common questions that hiring managers may ask are as follows: 

Tell Me About Yourself 

This may seem like a question about your whole work history, but it’s not. Instead, you should highlight the best points of your background and formulate these into a concise statement. It should feel like a sales pitch. 

Talk to Me About Your Resume 

This is where you’ll get the chance to talk about your work history, accomplishments, and background. Don’t forget to provide specific examples of how you performed and excelled on the job. The interviewer will be looking for examples of success. 

Why Do You Want to Work with Us (or Why Do You Want This Job)? 

Whatever you say, make sure it’s not generic or about the salary. Instead, stand out from the other applicants by mentioning something about the company. Whatever you mention should be unique and related to you. Make sure you are specific. 

If they ask why you want that particular job, show enthusiasm by highlighting what you like about the position. 

What Are Your Greatest Strengths 

Now is your chance to discuss something that makes you unique and outstanding. Focus on quality and substance in your answer versus listing several strengths in a row. It’s best if you can highlight a few main traits and use examples. 

Name One of Your Weaknesses 

This may seem like a trick question or a difficult one to answer. The interviewer wants to see if you’re honest and aware of your shortcomings. That doesn’t mean you should give one of your worst weaknesses. But on the other hand, don’t say that you don’t have any weaknesses. Be prepared to give a middle-of-the-road answer. 

Tell Me About a Time You Made a Mistake 

No one wants to discuss past errors. However, you can do so and come out looking good. Illustrate more about what you learned from the mistake, rather than the actual mistake. That way, you can give a positive outcome that will be impressive to the interviewer. Of course, you don’t want to list any major mistake that makes you look too careless. 

How Would Your Boss and Coworkers Describe You? 

It’s important to be honest when answering this question. The hiring manager will likely call your boss if you make it to a second interview. Try to focus on some strengths you have that you haven’t already mentioned. You could highlight your solid work ethic, honesty, or willingness to go the extra mile. 

How Do You Deal with Pressure or Stressful Situations? 

The interviewer wants to understand how well you can handle pressure. Talk about strategies you employ when dealing with stress. For example, if you take ten minutes to regroup when a pressure situation occurs, then relay that. It’s helpful if you can provide a real-life example of how you navigated a stressful situation. 

Learn More about Joining the Perfect Company for a New Job 

If you’d like to learn more about how to join the perfect company for first-time job seekers, contact Seguros Confie for details. We’re always looking to hire more agents to work in our up-to-date facility. Get in touch and apply today